So what can I say that everyone hasn't already said about the death of Michael Jackson? I really don't know. But I know that my feelings on the matter has suprised me and let me thinking about Michael in a different light then I did before. All in all this past week has been a very confusing, fustrating and exciting time for me. As I have talked about in previous posts, I don't really know how to handle death, it's so hard for me to understand the mystery and complexity, I don't think I will ever come to terms with it. However there is no doubt that absence makes the heart grow fonder, though I wish Michael was still alive to see all this love poured out all over the world for him. But people forget sometimes how much someone can have an impact on their lives until they are gone and you never get a chance to experience their love and talent again. Music has always helped me through my sorrows and Michael's music was timeless. I just feel sorry that this generation of kids didn't get to experience him the way I did growing up and the way my parents did. But I guess even in the craziest of times, things have to make sense and everything happens for a reason.
My life has been its typical crazy self but lately and especially this past week things have been coming together. Last month I graduated college recieving my BA in English from Michigan State University and though I wish I can say I was off to law school in the fall which was my dream, that has been delayed for another year or so. I was upset but I think that I have something to offer law school that most candidates don't so if they are too distracted by LSAT scores and GPA to see that then that's their loss. I'll be starting work next week as a paralegal and I hope to get into a Master's program for the fall so all is not lost. Life is what you make it and not everything will turn out as planned you just have to be prepared to take the next step when your plans fall short.
I haven't wrote a blog in while so this was mainly to get my head together and pay Michael Jackson the tribute he truly desires and I wish he would have lived to see. This one is for you Michael...

R.I.P Michael Jackson, you will be missed, Aug.29,1958-June 25,2009