I never actually am alone, I just always feel alone...(Drake)
Life gives us many sorrows, regrets, empty promises, torments, obstacles, heartbreaks, losses, lies, uncertainties and yet we all seem to carry on each day, to me that is one of life's little miracles that we all need to appreciate more, there is some truth in only the strong survive, the weak minded fall easily under pressure, just some food for thought...
Never knowing if this moment will be are last, we must live everyday to the fullest with no regrets. I have had a lot of regrets in my life but I have learned that what has happened in my life has happened for a reason and certain people are out of my life for a good purpose, you shouldnt have to ask for love if people care they will show it. I have a few people in my life who I love and many who claim (and have claimed) to love me but really don't, and in the end all I have is those few and I wouldn't want it any other way...because I know I'm here to serve a purpose and all the ones that tried to keep me down or hurt me aren't even up to my level yet so keep climbing but you will never catch up because I'm a born fighter, I'm a King so how could I be anything else???
I have been having a wierd past few weeks so far. I finished up the Battle Royale manga series, long overdue, since I had the last few issues for months now but something that good you just want to prolong as long as possible. Also, I just finished up the manga, Lone Wolf and Cub another great series that I read this summer and I have to say it is really up there in caliber over many traditional novels I have read. If you haven't read either of these titles or just don't read manga you need to start, these two series are some of the most enlightening things you can ever read about human morality and values. To me these works have provided a certain social understanding of human values, beliefs, morals and and causes and reasons for human actions that no traditional novel has ever been able to relate. And finally, Old Boy which I am still currently reading but will be finishing up this week, along with these other mangas I mentioned deals with human resentment. I just feel that with all the emotions about life that I have been feeling lately, Mangas are the only outlet I have that I feel truly understands me.
Going for my masters...I just started a MA program in Urban Affairs. Maybe I'll have a future in policy making, who knows. I've just been wondering if law is the best fit for me anymore. There is so many things that I want to change about our legal system and I'm wondering if me just being the best lawyer I could be is enough to balance out all the bullshit going on. Sometimes I really feel like I'm going against my total moral ethics at times. I just want to change the world for the better and really make a difference that counts. Is that to much to ask for or want to achieve? Should I just continue to bury myself alive on the inside??? I don't know, but I love that song (The Used- Buried Myself Alive) and I'm going to go listen to it now and see if I get inspired...