I'm on a mission,
It's self evident,
It's given,
The way I'm livin',
You couldn't even envision,
So pay attention,
Cuz what I'm about to mention,
My life equals chaos still, or as it will,
Trust me, you don't want to get inside my frame of mind,
From time to time, I sit back studying every line...of the story of my life,
Full of pain and strife,
Struggling to stand tall,
It's a wonder how I came through it all,
So where do I begin?
Suffering times ten,
Despite all the wins,
I might just cash it in,
And call it a quits...
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
I am the One by Danny K
Here I am once again I stand,
Holding the world in the palm of my hand,
You can tell me who would understand,
But it's all just a part of my plan,
I am the lightening,
I am the sun,
I am the greatest,
I am the one,
I am the highest,
I am the best,
So you really should forget the rest,
Let's start it off,
Let's take it back,
Before it all just fades to black,
See so many just wanted me to fall,
It really kills them when I stand tall,
While their mindsets and thoughts are small,
I think big shit, I want it all
And nothing less,
And you can't stop me,
No matter how hard you try to top me,
So what's next for this chapter,
Sheer determination I am the master,
I work faster, you move slow,
You see Stop signs, I see Go,
Cuz I can't faint, I won't lose,
Because there's still so much left to prove,
Soaring to heights like no one's ever done,
I am the destined, I am the ONE!
Holding the world in the palm of my hand,
You can tell me who would understand,
But it's all just a part of my plan,
I am the lightening,
I am the sun,
I am the greatest,
I am the one,
I am the highest,
I am the best,
So you really should forget the rest,
Let's start it off,
Let's take it back,
Before it all just fades to black,
See so many just wanted me to fall,
It really kills them when I stand tall,
While their mindsets and thoughts are small,
I think big shit, I want it all
And nothing less,
And you can't stop me,
No matter how hard you try to top me,
So what's next for this chapter,
Sheer determination I am the master,
I work faster, you move slow,
You see Stop signs, I see Go,
Cuz I can't faint, I won't lose,
Because there's still so much left to prove,
Soaring to heights like no one's ever done,
I am the destined, I am the ONE!
Friday, September 4, 2015
Stronger by Danny K
Clear my mind... by Danny K
I wish I could just clear my mind of all the madness,
When anger turns into sadness and you are just trying to find the strength to move on,
To be strong... doesn't seem so easy anymore,
And to be sure that you have not suffered in vain,
You look back to this pain,
Because if you don't care who else will?
But still... it's not the same,
Just like a rose by any other name isn't as sweet,
This pain going unnoticed feels just as bad as defeat.
Friday, December 27, 2013
As I Self-Destruct by Danny K
Mind wandering,
Soul searching,
All of my deepest emotions lurching forward,
Threatening to push me to the brink...
I gather all of my composure and try to digest how everything got so wrong,
It's like listening to a song playing backwards and trying to decipher its true meaning yet getting lost since the words no longer make sense,
Tell me is it all worth it?
The pain,
The heartache,
The despair,
The suffering,
The misery,
The regret,
It eats away at me at times and I wonder if it will ever completely go away,
Feeling gray even though the light of day is shining at its brightest,
I know that there is something more I just...can't really see it,
I struggle to move forward without bringing with me the pain of the past,
This is one moment that I wish would never last,
And yet here it still is...this immense feeling of hopelessness,
That nothing will ever change,
I will always be stuck in a life full of pain,
The more I contemplate the quicker my emotions start to shift,
To rage, anger and frustration as I feel my sanity starting to lift,
And I can't even see straight but I'm driven by the fury,
I find myself searching for someone, anyone that I can actually trust,
I am like the end of a fuse that's about to combust,
Watch me as I Self-Destruct
Thursday, February 16, 2012
These strange feelings...
"Relationships are like investing in stocks. If you never take a risk, You will never profit and eventually win big. Yet, if you decide to invest just be prepared that there is a chance that you could lose everything..."-ME
In the wake of Valentine's day, I feel like I would take a moment to write this post to discuss the L-Word. NO, not the lesbian show on showtime. But that thing that movies are often about. The feeling that you try to resist but can't. See, I don't mind being single. I actually tend to be less stressed out than when I am in a relationship. I am what you might call the fixer upper. I see a girl who is hurt, in need of assistance and I always want to help them, kind of like a captain save a hoe...yet, I would never want to truly refer to the girls I have been with as hoes, even if a few might have been, lol. I really do have a soft spot for women in need, but you can't save everyone especially, if they don't want to save themselves. So, what are these strange feelings?? I don't know, maybe desire, longing for companionship, or the need for love. All I know is, I will love again, just not now. I'm focused on me. I need to get my career plans in order and figure out what I want in a relationship. You can't rush these things.
On, other notes:
I am feeling an out pouring of sadness and grief for the loss of Whitney Houston. Another great musical legend is gone from this earth. I hope she is in a better place now and I give her daughter and all of her family my condolences. I really had to shed some tears for this loss. Death is a crazy and unpredictable thing, that's why we have to live for today, plan for tomorrow and hope for the future...R.I.P. Whitney Houston, you were truly a musical icon and any mistakes you made in this life could never take that away from you!!
"Sometimes you laugh, Sometimes you cry, Life never tells us the whens or whys...For every win, someone must fail, but there comes a point when we will exhale, shoop shoop (R.I.P Whitney Houston)"
In the wake of Valentine's day, I feel like I would take a moment to write this post to discuss the L-Word. NO, not the lesbian show on showtime. But that thing that movies are often about. The feeling that you try to resist but can't. See, I don't mind being single. I actually tend to be less stressed out than when I am in a relationship. I am what you might call the fixer upper. I see a girl who is hurt, in need of assistance and I always want to help them, kind of like a captain save a hoe...yet, I would never want to truly refer to the girls I have been with as hoes, even if a few might have been, lol. I really do have a soft spot for women in need, but you can't save everyone especially, if they don't want to save themselves. So, what are these strange feelings?? I don't know, maybe desire, longing for companionship, or the need for love. All I know is, I will love again, just not now. I'm focused on me. I need to get my career plans in order and figure out what I want in a relationship. You can't rush these things.
I am feeling an out pouring of sadness and grief for the loss of Whitney Houston. Another great musical legend is gone from this earth. I hope she is in a better place now and I give her daughter and all of her family my condolences. I really had to shed some tears for this loss. Death is a crazy and unpredictable thing, that's why we have to live for today, plan for tomorrow and hope for the future...R.I.P. Whitney Houston, you were truly a musical icon and any mistakes you made in this life could never take that away from you!!
"Sometimes you laugh, Sometimes you cry, Life never tells us the whens or whys...For every win, someone must fail, but there comes a point when we will exhale, shoop shoop (R.I.P Whitney Houston)"
Monday, January 30, 2012
Class war!! by Danny K

"Bout time we changed a few things, We a slave to the bank and we only wanna buy new shoes, The way that we think, We can do anything if we really wanna put our minds to it, American dream, Is a pyramid scheme, And feels out of reach when its hard and the times are tough but change starts with us, yup yup, We all want freedom, yeah to be who we be, I don't wanna be afraid when I speak, To say what I'm feeling, Yeah together we strong but divided never been so weak, It's time we get even, Yeah Yeah, But really what I mean is, Is change I can feel it"--Asher Roth
"The Master of the Masses, One has power,The other one lacks it,Guns are power,Controlled by assets, Owned by financial forecasters,Who are the Masters? They are the Gangsters, They are the bankers, The ones who tax us, The Masses, They are us, The sheep, the people, Divided in classes, I go off like a Shite bomb, And All ya'll see I'm on my...War paint on my face shit, My nine mm on my waist shit, I'm a problem, Shoot up your place shit, Let a few go, Then I get low, Blazing Haze again, The Masters, The Wall Street War Chiefs, The Elitists Groups, The Masses, They pray to Jesus, Saying he will see us through, The Masters are the aristocratic, The Masses ask if the Most High, Is On his way here, I'm trying to stay clear, My mind is my modern day Spear"--Nas
Class War by Danny K
Its a revolution about to start,
Masses rising up from just a spark,
Without work, without food to eat, doing what they can with no security...net
Some are College graduates that were ready to start a career,
Others are teachers or lawyers with years of experience who now live in fear,
Neither knowing if or when they will find employment,
Just trying to live life with some little enjoyment,
And some are people who've worked hard their entire lives, that retire to live off social security and never have enough to survive,
You ask me what is the 99%?
While the few elites possess more than they can consume,
Unwilling to fathom an inch of compassion to give to those who have none,
Controlling multi billion dollar corporations yet there is massive amounts of debt and poverty that plague a nation,
You ask me what is the 1%?
Class wars, across shores, reshapes nations, and empowers people to strive for more,
Arab Springs and U.S. Falls,
Yet will either ever see true equality?
See I don't know answer but I'm sure that it's there,
If anyone is ever curious and willing to care,
Class wars, 99% vs. 1% of the populous, fighting for an equal share,
What side are you going to be on?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Ghetto Youth by Danny K
This is for the ghetto youth,
But don't make me regret it,
This is for those whose destiny seems chosed but no one ever really said it,
I'm here ready to do battle and fight against injustice,
Because I was once that ghetto youth, challenging the world that said no one should ever trust us,
Or even have faith,
That ghetto youth have no future and it's written all over their face,
Or that their are just poor and thugs,
And deserve hopelessness and disdain instead of compassion or hugs,
It's no wonder why so many ghetto youth lose the strength to fight and crumble,
Because how can this world seem fair when most of their lives were full of pain and struggle,
But I can hear the cries and see the tears from the ghetto youths eyes everytime I wake,
So massive, immense and deep that it's enough to start a quake,
Yet, I'm hoping that it fuels a revolution,
Because it's in human nature to strive to survive so never giving up is the only solution,
Showing those that doubted you that your worth more than just their pity,
Never again will you sit back and wonder "Why me?",
It's time to stand up and show the world that you are ready,
So rise to the challenge and walk without fear,
Knowing that I am standing behind you and will always be there,
Because this one is for the Ghetto Youth
But don't make me regret it,
This is for those whose destiny seems chosed but no one ever really said it,
I'm here ready to do battle and fight against injustice,
Because I was once that ghetto youth, challenging the world that said no one should ever trust us,
Or even have faith,
That ghetto youth have no future and it's written all over their face,
Or that their are just poor and thugs,
And deserve hopelessness and disdain instead of compassion or hugs,
It's no wonder why so many ghetto youth lose the strength to fight and crumble,
Because how can this world seem fair when most of their lives were full of pain and struggle,
But I can hear the cries and see the tears from the ghetto youths eyes everytime I wake,
So massive, immense and deep that it's enough to start a quake,
Yet, I'm hoping that it fuels a revolution,
Because it's in human nature to strive to survive so never giving up is the only solution,
Showing those that doubted you that your worth more than just their pity,
Never again will you sit back and wonder "Why me?",
It's time to stand up and show the world that you are ready,
So rise to the challenge and walk without fear,
Knowing that I am standing behind you and will always be there,
Because this one is for the Ghetto Youth
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My people, Blacks unite! by Danny K
Close my eyes and imagine,
A world where hate runs thin,
Where my people stand together,
Instead of fighting within',
Uniting as one race with shared ancestry,
Not forgetting the past and our own history,
Being proud of who we are and what we've become,
Yet remembering that there is still more to be done,
Malcolm X and Martin Luther King can't be the only ones,
That gave their lives to strive for equality,
Something Obama's presidency doesn't guarantee,
So as I say this how many will sit and cower in fear,
Afraid of rising up and grabbing hold of a dream,
As I remain on fire never losing steam,
Thinking of the masses of people taken from their homeland and packed into ships,
Only to die before realizing the destination of their trip,
Or the many people who stayed alive only to suffer generations of enslavement,
Then Jim Crow with police with water hoses pushing them onto the pavement,
Leading up to mass incarceration due to high racial discrimination,
With many blacks trapped in jail cells and their own minds,
And now in 2010 we walk as if everything is fine,
But in my mind that history remains clear,
It's hard to stay ignorant when the truth is right there,
Staring you in the face day to day,
And I don't know if it will ever be okay,
However, I won't give up,
I'm going to continue this fight,
Until my people, the Blacks of this nation unite!
A world where hate runs thin,
Where my people stand together,
Instead of fighting within',
Uniting as one race with shared ancestry,
Not forgetting the past and our own history,
Being proud of who we are and what we've become,
Yet remembering that there is still more to be done,
Malcolm X and Martin Luther King can't be the only ones,
That gave their lives to strive for equality,
Something Obama's presidency doesn't guarantee,
So as I say this how many will sit and cower in fear,
Afraid of rising up and grabbing hold of a dream,
As I remain on fire never losing steam,
Thinking of the masses of people taken from their homeland and packed into ships,
Only to die before realizing the destination of their trip,
Or the many people who stayed alive only to suffer generations of enslavement,
Then Jim Crow with police with water hoses pushing them onto the pavement,
Leading up to mass incarceration due to high racial discrimination,
With many blacks trapped in jail cells and their own minds,
And now in 2010 we walk as if everything is fine,
But in my mind that history remains clear,
It's hard to stay ignorant when the truth is right there,
Staring you in the face day to day,
And I don't know if it will ever be okay,
However, I won't give up,
I'm going to continue this fight,
Until my people, the Blacks of this nation unite!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
My Escape by Danny K
Life, dreams, hopes, no way to cope,
Failures not an option I can ever take,
Ready to break, my escape, unknown,
22 so I should feel grown but at times I'm a child,
My mind's running wild,
I try not to let shit get to me, or lose sight of history, Let me see...
What more can I say that hasn't already been said,
How can I ever truly describe the thoughts that are going through my head,
Mourning the dead but still trying to understand it all,
Waiting for the answers but I think I'll never get the call,
I want to change the world just not sure if the worlds ready,
Feeling faint, tired, weak, trying to keep steady,
Because I can't fold under pressure,
And yet,
Wish I could say that I lived my life with no regrets,
So what is my escape through it all?
What keeps me striving to succeed when everyone else shouts "Fall!",
The answer was unclear at times but now there's no doubt,
Writing is my escape, My only way out,
My fate at times seems like a curse,
Bad relationships and phony friends only made things worse,
But as soon I put my thoughts into words, somehow all the pain ends,
And my problems seem too absurd...to ever worry about,
However when I stop writing, when the words don't come out,
I'm back to my life thirsty, stuck in a drought,
Trying to make a way, with all that I was given,
It's funny with my background it would have seemed more likely that I'd end up in prison,
Than to be here and now, writing poems to inspire,
The masses, my people, yet some would call me a liar,
Or try to stop my shine,
Don't they know once I get a hold of something it will always be mine,
Maybe in another time, things will be fine,
And I wouldn't be criticized or judged just for speaking my mind,
Though struggle builds character, which is what I'm after,
Anything less would surely be a disaster,
So as I strive to master this thing called life,
Know that my escape could be yours too if you're willing to pay the ultimate price...
Failures not an option I can ever take,
Ready to break, my escape, unknown,
22 so I should feel grown but at times I'm a child,
My mind's running wild,
I try not to let shit get to me, or lose sight of history, Let me see...
What more can I say that hasn't already been said,
How can I ever truly describe the thoughts that are going through my head,
Mourning the dead but still trying to understand it all,
Waiting for the answers but I think I'll never get the call,
I want to change the world just not sure if the worlds ready,
Feeling faint, tired, weak, trying to keep steady,
Because I can't fold under pressure,
And yet,
Wish I could say that I lived my life with no regrets,
So what is my escape through it all?
What keeps me striving to succeed when everyone else shouts "Fall!",
The answer was unclear at times but now there's no doubt,
Writing is my escape, My only way out,
My fate at times seems like a curse,
Bad relationships and phony friends only made things worse,
But as soon I put my thoughts into words, somehow all the pain ends,
And my problems seem too absurd...to ever worry about,
However when I stop writing, when the words don't come out,
I'm back to my life thirsty, stuck in a drought,
Trying to make a way, with all that I was given,
It's funny with my background it would have seemed more likely that I'd end up in prison,
Than to be here and now, writing poems to inspire,
The masses, my people, yet some would call me a liar,
Or try to stop my shine,
Don't they know once I get a hold of something it will always be mine,
Maybe in another time, things will be fine,
And I wouldn't be criticized or judged just for speaking my mind,
Though struggle builds character, which is what I'm after,
Anything less would surely be a disaster,
So as I strive to master this thing called life,
Know that my escape could be yours too if you're willing to pay the ultimate price...
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