So, as you get from the title thats the way I feel right now, STRESSED. Its not school stress because that doesn't happen to much to me but just basic life stress if there is such a thing. I need something to keep me sane. I swear I love girls but I hate them. They always seem to be able to bring out the worst in people and this is coming from a girl. But honestly I feel that maybe if I was a guy it would be easier, Guys let me know if I'm right or not. Because being a girl who likes girls is like liking to walk face first into a knife. Its just like, Why? But then there are Actresses like this...

and this...

that make hating girls so hard. But really they really do put you through shit and sometimes I think they enjoy it. Matter Of Fact, I know they do. But on another note because I could go on all day with this, I had a class today that had me thinking about this Ideology by Foucalt that race isn't real its just a social construction that we create to justify our ignorance and that knowledge is produced to justify power relations and superiority. I've thought this way for years but to know its actually thought out and practiced makes me not feel so wierd. Knowledge in this country is definately used to control the masses. That's why if you aren't educated you have no power. Being uneducated doesn't mean that your not wise or that you don't have anything to offer to the world. Some people for certain circumstances just didn't get the chance or oppurtunity to get a higher education. Instead of creating more ways to change that many of us who do have access to higher education or have degrees look down on others who are uneducated. As if we are better than them. There is a saying "Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up!" and I try to practice it. I don't think I'm better than someone who is uneducated but to me there is a difference between someone who wallows in their own ignorance and enjoys doing nothing with their lives and someone who just had circumstances which caused them to not get an chance to do things they wanted to do in life. Shit happens in life that we can't control but everyone should be able to learn from those choices they've made and/or mistakes and make the necessary changes for things to get better. Again don't take my tone to mean I'm perfect because, sometimes I backtrack. But I know it and try to let it not happen too much. So, in ending this note I'm a little less stressed than I was starting it. So, I guess like they say, the little things in life can sometimes help.
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